Hello Lovely,
Happy Sunday!
I recently spent an entire day alone at home perusing books, noting down some quotes, expanding on some ideas and overall, feeling really divine. It was a wet and rather cool summer day so the idea of spending it inside, nestled, made my heart and soul smile.
I came upon the Japanese word, OUBAITORI (n). It is the idea that people, like flowers, bloom in their own time and in their individual ways. This isn't a new concept but I had to wonder, how many of us allow ourselves the gift of expansion and growth, as 'we age'? How many of us change our environment, when something isn't nurturing us....
As I lifted my legs up in to the sky, my two dogs reclined into me and I heard these words come out of my Self: Love it, Live it, Let it Go.....
I started to explore my day...what will I bring in...what will I luxuriate in...what will I steer myself away from...what will I drop like a hot coal?
This made me think of the quote by Yohji Yamamoto who wrote, "Creation IS lifework. Creation is how you spend your life, you cannot divide life, and creation, it's impossible..." He goes on, "Shut your eyes, close your ears, don't use your brain, use your heart, use your soul"....
What do you want to remember about today?
I will share my desires for today: I want to feel ease. I want to be free from the worries that I am carrying and I want to connect with a few soulfully-minded humans. I want to eat watermelon for lunch and stay hydrated so my energy flows and I can move from one idea and joy, to another.
It feels simple and right sized for today.
What do you love? How will you live that love?
I am always so warmed by your notes and sharing. Feel free to hit reply and send me a note about your day....what you crave, what you dream about, what you bring in.
Until next week, I am sending you so much love.
xx Jamila